Amazing. Two days of hovering-around-zero temps earlier this week and tomorrow it's going to be high 40's. All together now, folks:
only in Minnesota! But I feel a little more confident looking at the weather report for the next 10 days that perhaps spring has - finally - sprung. And I am so ready.
This week has been overwhelmed by my as-yet-developing bathroom redo. My beautiful new Marmoleum flooring has some sort of issue and at least 1/2 of it will have to be torn out (again) and reinstalled (again). This

also means a minimum of another entire day without a bathroom...in about 10 days when the flooring arrives. I still have all the under-cabinet boxes and buckets in the middle of my living room! It's a pain, to say the least. But I figure, if I'm going to go through all of this, I certainly want it done right!

On the upside, the new paint started going on yesterday and the color is exquisite. It's a deep grapey plum color that brings a fair amount of sophistication and swank to my loo! But I think it's going to make me want to reconsider some of the decor in there. I also had the contractor pull out a completely irrelevant towel bar, providing another expanse of wall space that I didn't have before. I'm starting to think about ways to use that space...
But here's the fun part: I've decided that once the

drywall dust and flooring adhesive settles, I'm going to sort of redecorate my entire loft. By that I mean the little touches, the little decor items that are in each room. I'm going to pull everything out that makes sense (as in, not the bedside lamps which can only really go right there) and put it all on the dining room table. I'm going to add the items that have been in storage for the past 3 years. And then I'm going to start fresh. Decide what each room needs, pull from my stash and repurpose everything that should be repurposed. Then, when I see what I have left to deal with, I'll fill in the blanks from my

favorite vintage shops, thrift stores and maybe even a little trip to IKEA and Target to round things out. I'm excited to re-look at everything with new eyes and put things together in new ways. And for as little cash as possible! BONUS!
Of course, as I do each room, I'm going to give it the spring cleaning and purging of its life. After it's all redecorated and cleaned to a high shine, the rest of this stuff is going to the Goodwill. This spring cleaning is going to be intense. I can't wait for the feeling of a fresh start!
That sounds like a really fun idea. I did something a little similar a couple of months ago -- but just with the art on the walls. I love having my Asian are all in my living room. It gives my house so much more character than what we had before (and I'm not even going to tell you what we had before cuz it looked like art from a doctor's office or hotel room...haha)