20 March 2009

controlled chaos?

For those of you who aren't familiar with this rather unproductive, panic-inducing method of cleaning, a.k.a "A.D.D. Cleaning," you will find the process below to be entirely counter the advice given by experts on such matters. Behold:
  1. take all contents of bathroom cabinets out, spread along dining room table and living room floor. earnestly begin the process of separating out what needs to be combined (lotions, hand soap), donated (unopened samples of god only knows what), and tossed. make progress but become overwhelmed when lipgloss and eyeshadow depths are understood. take 2 days off.
  2. reinvigorated by a weekend guest's pending arrival, reduce and sort bathroom goodies into well labeled boxes, similar things together (much as experts would advise).
  3. brew batch of iced Passion tea. leave to cool on counter.
  4. realize must unload dishwasher, do so. reload while here and handwash a couple of items.
  5. remember came to kitchen in the first place to ... what was it again?...
  6. start much needed loads of laundry. fold and hang clean clothes - leave in utility room.
  7. change air filter, god, when was the last time...?
  8. magazine-induced anxiety strikes. sit on floor with cup of tea and weed through first stack. back hurts, must move again. leave piles.
  9. put next load in dryer and look intently at the area where the dryer filter goes. gross. grab chopsticks and pull out random lint that doesn't stay in the filter.
  10. take on clothes closet, as clearly must make room for clean clothes. start another big pile of clothes that really. must. just. go. dust surfaces, realize that some dust isn't coming out without vacuum attachment.
  11. hmm. vacuum quite dirty and clogged-looking from drywall dust and abuse from contractors. take filter part apart (thank gods repeatedly for Dyson), and bang out all of the icky stuff. multi-use chopsticks grab most of the leftover gunk. need dental scraper pokey thing to push the remaining clogs out. satisfied...
  12. ...switch loads...
  13. hang boots and put shoes back into nice storage boxes. will vacuum hallway when back and forth is done, which is convenient as vacuum still sitting here.
  14. put bathroom towels away in newly cleaned shelf area. pretty. remember artwork sitting in hallway from painting, rehang.
  15. return to closet. vacuum and then clean floor with lovely Caldrea Basil Blue Sage All-Purpose cleaner. take large bag of to-be-donated to utility room intending to add more as stuff comes out of the dryer. feeling particularly ruthless now.
  16. start attacking entry closet and decide to part with 1 winter coat and will hang others in main closet for the season. but need to wash coats first. clean out pockets of random change and tissues, toss into utility room. difficult to pass through here again, but return to pulling clean clothes, towels, etc and putting them away.
  17. stop to blog
  18. realize starving, haven't eaten since rice krispies at 11:30am. think about making pasta for dinner...

So you can see where this is going. But I'm so used to my horribly bad habits that I'm actually feeling really good about everything. Each project (magazine recycle, closet clean out & clean up, laundry, put laundry away [yes, for me, this is a separate project entirely], bathroom/toiletry reduction, etc) is underway and each is at a differing level of doneness. But each will get done between now and when my girlfriend arrives tomorrow. And I can already taste the sweet satisfaction of my tidy, pretty home...which, now that I've had a little sit, I'm energized to attack once again.

...now, why did I come back into the kitchen...?


  1. I wonder who that guest might be? I might have to check out the fun beauty product samples you want to donate:)
