And thus launches my illustrious blogging career!
Don't you find it interesting that life sometimes tempts and twists you, showing you things you never really saw before...right when you're ready to acknowledge and understand it? You know, like Oprah does? Well, that's what happened to me. After 15+ years gutting it out for a wide variety of corporations, I have been pointed in the direction I've always known that I possess the spirit of an entrepreneur. It is, after all, why I've been successful in my career. I get in there and start businesses, launch new products, kick things off! The process isn't always pretty but the fact is, it's what I do.
Along the way, I have met and worked with some of the most interesting, diabolical, smart (sometimes diabolically smart), fantastic, self-assured, insightful, horrible people on the face of the earth. Or at least here in the Midwest. I have put in the hours expected of slaves, earned the wages of kings and paupers alike, and generally gotten a heck of a lot in return. But the most valuable lessons I've learned and the most magical work I've performed hasn't really gotten me anywhere. Well, you know what I mean. Great experiences, promotions, some bucks in the bank, laid off, a taste for working from wherever I am, and a network that I am truly proud of. Alas, I haven't achieved true career enlightenment.
So, while spinning out of my last "real job" I decided it was time to really get serious about my life, and since work is really such a critical part of who I am, I dug in hard. I spent innumerable hours with the group I ended up calling my "transition team" - a couple of career coaches, some experienced consultants, a really great therapist, two chiropractors, some passionate entrepreneurs and my mom. And I decided to strike out on my own.
First and foremost, I'm a consultant. I have a company which helps other organizations assess and launch new business lines, products and services. But underneath (or maybe overarching), I fancy myself a guide. There's a lot of life out there and it's coming at us fast. It's difficult and overwhelming at times, gratifying and thrilling at others. But - and this is my theory - it's all life. There really is no "work/life balance." There is just integration. Authentic, skin peeling, heartrending integration of who we are, who we love, what we do, how we earn our living. That's what I hope to talk to you about here.
This blog is a culmination of who I am: foodie and gourmet cook, intrepid traveler, idol worshipper, learner, lipgloss addict, eco-newbie, yogi, techy gadget freak. And not least of all, writer. I've been penning my personal blog for about 3 years now (don't search, you won't find it) and practicing to be sorta engaging. Considering my fan base is primarily made up of my dearest friends, there's some question as to my success. But I know I love writing and if nothing else, it's another forum to practice.
Welcome to my journey. I hope I can bring something to yours, as well.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
Congratulations!! I've added you to my "must read" list and look forward to seeing life through the eyes of a "youngster".
Hello Dear- Well I'm hooked already ;-) Best of success for this new forum and hope it leads you to true career enlightment (Ommm...). I'm on a similar path except mine involves changing a lot of diapers. I find it to be very insightful.
ReplyDeleteMuch love and hugs.