Yesterday I spent even more time thinking about and tinkering with my brand, both my personal brand and my Segnavia brand. Since I've recently undergone a redesign of my logo (making an appearance soon) and know I need to properly register the rest of my domain names, I thought it was time to take a good hard look at what I'm trying to present. How it should look, how it should act. Sigh, yes, my web presence and I are both growing up.
What this also looks like is that, due to the availability and flexibility of WordPress vs. Blogger, I may find myself transitioning over there. We'll see but for right now, it's looking like those who do a good job with the overall look, feel, organization and presentation of a more robust website and blog tend towards WordPress. I think I feel a headache coming on...
invisible apple cake
3 weeks ago
Yeah, I kinda want to move my blog to Wordpress too. Blogger meets my needs right now, but it seems in order to take blogs to the next level, wordpress is the way to go.