This year I will - yes - create some goals for 2010. As a good friend of mine said, "When you arrive at December 31, 2010, what do you envision for yourself?" This is the exercise I'm taking my clients and myself through from a business planning perspective, so it makes sense to be thinking about them for my personal wishes too. For me, this will be about wellness, energy, strength, stability, expression, creativity, technology and community.
In the meantime, I'm also thinking about where I've been. What's taken place in my life that I'd like to carry forward. Here are some of the things I'm thinking about:
- Gratitude: This year, more than any thus far, I'm finding myself incredibly grateful for the growth, change and energy that I have seen in myself. Sure, some days suck but overall I am so glad that I have had this year to work out some of my own personal roadblocks, set fire to my new business and really focus on what's good in my life. It's easy to feel overrun by all of the "other" out there, but I've taken a stance of gratitude and it's truly served me well.
- Catalysts: Who knows how to best describe the serendipitous meetings and happenings in your life? I sure don't, but I'm certainly recognizing the importance of the people I've met and the experiences I've had this year as catalysts of change in my existence. I've been introduced to new manners to thinking, completely different approaches to my business and even been shown a fresh lens on my personal relationships. It never fails that these catalysts take on unexpected forms. Staying open - in your heart, mind and soul - can bring some truly wonderful things into your life.
- Authenticity: You gotta walk the walk. Figuring out who you really are, what makes you buzz and then bringing that courageously into your life? This is where authenticity begins. I've been working on this for me, and helping others find it themselves. Aside from cooking for those I love, this is one of the most gratifying things I do in my life.
- Food: This is a year that's changed my perspective on, approach to and interactions with food. I am excited about what's to come in this area as, well, food and I spend a great deal of time intermingling.
- Hope: Sometimes it's the sheer audacity of being hopeful that gets you through the day. It's about plunging ourselves out into the world knowing what we know, accepting who we are and being joyously thrilled because of it. Not in spite of it. How about that for a New Year's twist?