Though the weather isn't giving many visual cues, it's becoming that time of year when I start sorting through recipes, dreaming of holiday entertaining and thinking about what kinds of little gifts I can shower on my loved ones. I love the ritual of pulling out all of my old November and December cooking magazines (yes, I keep them all), making notes, remembering favorite recipes that HAVE to be included and adding a bunch that may be interesting new additions. I'm thinking of who's coming for Thanksgiving, fun cocktails we can make, movies we can watch.
In addition, because this has been a big year of refining my foodie behaviors, I've tried eating closer to home and supporting local food providers. I've been watching my pennies but still trying to eat fresh, organic, well-tended food. And I've been focused on cooking...even more than usual. Which, as you probably know, is the perfect excuse to get friends to pop over on a random night when I feel like having something bubbling away on the stove. "Hey, I'm putting chicken caccitore on...are you hungry?" almost always gets a great response. And all of this food focus really matters to me. It's something I truly live to enjoy.
In the past few years, I've also been thinking a lot about the "stuff" of life. And trying to make a conscious decision to not to over-accumulate or bestow too much junk on other people. Recycle, buy more vintage, and donate things I'm not using well. Give of myself and of my passions. I've been thinking intently about what I need and what I really don't need. And then asking my family and friends to help me focus.
Today, my birthday kicks off a season of celebration and gratitude. For me, finding my way forward in 2009 has been about embracing a bigger life. A life with huge experiences, fantastic moments - large and small - and with lots of learning. And, since this year has also been one cradling and nurturing a very delicate upstart business, I've been thinking a lot more creatively about money - spending it, saving it, using it wisely.
So, I decided to try something a little different this year and ASK people for things that I wanted. Bold, huh? But everyone was really excited about sharing their talents with me, or with giving me something they knew I would truly cherish. I have friends who are chefs and I put them to work - a fabulous birthday dinner with several bottles of local wine, a gorgeous birthday cake, a box of delectable slice & bake crackers. I can see baking off those crackers and popping a bottle of bubbly on a weeknight, just because. I got all of my knives sharpened as a gift and am even more excited to be in the kitchen now...with a box of Band-Aids handy, just in case. I have a new webcam so I can Skype with my friends and my dear cousin who lives in Switzerland. Talk about things which kick-start my experiential lifestyle! I got a bunch of surprises too: my newly certified natural medicine consultant pal provided me with an herbal remedy, tea and the gift of her time to enjoy it. I am enamored by a set of new (and by new, I mean 1920's) Japanese tea cups & saucers from my cat. And I got a much-needed gift card for Caribou - my oftentimes office. I mean, honestly. I just love the idea that it wasn't about "stuff;" it was all about being together, enjoying each other's company and celebrating life.
2009 has been a deeply enriching, soul-searching year in which digging deep and finding my authentic truth has been central. Would I be the same person today if I didn't move on to my own business? I don't know. But I do know that taking the time to really focus on what matters to me - people I love, food that truly nourishes me, experiences which touch me - has returned a much more focused, confident and anxiety-reduced Tracy. And to me, there is no finer gift to celebrate another year of living. Cheers to that!
So, what about you? What do you truly crave this holiday season? If you don't want "stuff," can your friends and family support a charity that you care about? How do you wish to spend your holiday time? What new philosophies do you have to celebrate in 2009? And most importantly, what is YOUR favorite birthday cake? Mine's this one, hands down.
Here's to another fabulous year!
invisible apple cake
3 weeks ago