In the midst of life-changing events last fall, another small fire was kindling away. Sparked during the summer, this teeny little flame was being fanned and fed, nurtured and stoked, until mid-November when a big rush of fuel came and our little fire became fully engaged. Now as we enter 2011, I am thrilled to officially announce my new adventure and partner-in-crime.
Chef Molly Herrmann of
Tastebud Catering has been a client of Segnavia Creative since early 2010. I have been helping her create a fresh, new strategy and vision for Tastebud and putting some business development projects into play. During this time, I have also been consulting with
Midtown Global Market to reassess their strategies, operations and marketing efforts. As kismet would have it, between us all, the idea for a new business came to fruition. Molly worked daily in a shared commercial kitchen space at MGM. A loosely organized, but committed group of caterers, chefs, and food manufacturers rented this commercial kitchen space to share costs, equipment and such. The idea? Wouldn't it be cool if this commercial kitchen expanded (allowing access to more chefs, having had a waiting list for nearly 2 years), the cooking classes expanded (so successful thus far, but not a ton of room to host more people), and we added a retail component (people are always wandering by, wanting to purchase those perky meringues and delicious looking wraps)?
Molly and I wrote a business plan, some initial financial projections, and then wrapped it all up with a bow, not thinking that it had a chance in hell of getting going. Seriously. There were just so many obstacles to a project of this scope. But, indeed, the idea was a good one, and the more energy we put into it, the better it became. MGM's management and board got behind the project. Next thing you know, all of that kindling and rolled up newspaper and dryer lint had the match it had been looking for.

When the opportunity was presented to me to partner in this adventure, it couldn't have been a better alignment of timing, my personal passions, my career experience and my know-how. Food, retail, cooking classes, a start up business, and a good friend by my side. I knew it was meant to be.
A new business took shape, construction began, chef-tenants signed up, marketing efforts started and Kitchen in the Market was born.
So, as I continue my work supporting entrepreneurs and growing businesses, I launch into a new adventure myself. The quick answers:
- I am excited to work with and take on new clients for Segnavia Creative. In my strategic-eye-view, Segnavia is a significant portion of my work life in the foreseeable future.
- I will take on fewer new clients in the next 2 months as Kitchen in the Market gets up and running.
- I have been repackaging my consulting and coaching efforts for entrepreneurs and am excited to launch several new programs this spring. Stay tuned!
In the meantime, I hope to see you at Kitchen in the Market -
online, on
Facebook, on
Twitter, and especially in person. Come check out our beautiful new kitchen, take a class in our cooking school, and take home something tasty from our soon-to-be open retail grocery. We'd love to have you.